We Are Church Intl.


ORDINATIO SACERDOTALIS oder die Absurdität der Unfehlbarkeit

25 Jahre "Ordinatio Sacerdotalis"

ORDINATIO SACERDOTALIS oder die Absurdität der Unfehlbarkeit

Wir sind Kirche zum 25. Jahrestag der „endgültigen“ Feststellung der Weiheunfähigkeit von Frauen in der römisch-katholischen Kirche am 22. Mai 1994

Pressemitteilung, München und Innsbruck, 16. Mai 2019

Die deutsche KirchenVolksBewegung und die österreichische Plattform Wir sind Kirche protestieren nach wie vor energisch gegen das Apostolische Schreiben ORDINATIO SACERDOTALIS von Papst Johannes Paul II über die nur Männern vorbehaltene Priesterweihe. Die Erklärung des Papstes, dass die Kirche keine Vollmacht habe, Frauen zu Diakoninnen und Priesterinnen zu weihen, steht in einer Reihe von Verlautbarungen aus Rom, in denen die Verkünder endgültiger Entscheidungen weder die Erkenntnisse eigener Expert*innen innerhalb und außerhalb der Hierarchie noch die Zeichen der Zeit erkannt haben.

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Christian Lauer RIP 29 January 2019

Christian Lauer’s final handwritten advice for WAC written near midnight on 26 January 2019:

We need topics that inspire people and inspire us. Subjects to which people say, I join in, I can do something about this in society and / or church. Topics where there is not the danger that they will be marked by resignation. The possible subjects / topics I can’t specify now, they should be decided on the basis of tactics.

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The longtime very active leading member of We Are Church (Germany) and our IT specialist died on January 29, 2019. At the strategy meeting of the We Are Church teams from Germany and Austria from 23 to 25 January 2019 in Hofheim, Christian Lauer, despite his long and serious illness, was still actively involved with his competence and passion. But only four days later he could no longer resist influenza.

We are very shaken that Christian's life came to an end so quickly. He had fought so hard and so long for his life and for We Are Church. We are very, very much obliged to him in many ways. For 20 years, he has done all the more extensive computer tasks of We Are Church in Germany all alone with great expertise. For the last ten years he has been the first chairman to guide the organization of We Are Church (DE). Above all, he has always been wholeheartedly committed to a church that truly follows in the footsteps of Jesus. He stays in our midst.

We Are Church Germany