We Are Church Intl.

We Are Church and friends 
will be in Ro​me for the Synod

More information

A Constitution for the Catholic Church

Dr. Luca Badini Confalonieri   
Followed by a dialogue with Fr. Helmut Schüller and a Q & A

ZOOM 14.00 – 15.30hrs CEST 
Saturday 7th of September 2024

Dr. Luca Badini Confalonieri is the Director of Research of the Wijngaards Institute for Catholic Research (WICR) in London. In September 2022 WICR published a “Proposed Constitution for theCatholic Church”, which builds on and develops work done in the 1990’s. It aims at suggesting one possible way to integrate commonly proposed reforms into a legal framework that is coherent, realistic, as well as compatible with biblical studies, theological research, and ecumenical dialogues

Fr. Helmut Schüller is the founder of the Austrian Priests Initiative who for 2 decades have worked for reforms in the Catholic Church. He has worked tirelessly organizing priests to resist exclusionary church policies and create churches where power is shared and Catholics participate equally, no matter one’s gender, marital status or sexual orientation.

Pleaseclick here to register for your FREE ticket on Eventbrite

Eucharist - Thanksgiving

For several decades many in the We Are Church movement have met regularly to celebrate the Eucharist together in our homes and at other gatherings. The arrival of the Covid pandemic led to a switch early in 2020 to holding these Eucharists online using ZOOM.

Celebrating ZOOM Eucharists has brought We Are Church closer together as a movement.

We have gathered some of the texts we have used for these Eucharists which we hope may encourage others to organise a house Eucharist or ZOOM Eucharist with a group of friends.

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We celebrate monthly Eucharists
with international participants
on Saturdays at 16.30 hrs
Central European Time

If you would like to join us,
please contact 

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Foundation Documents

Roman Declaration

Agreed in Rome on 
25 November 1996 
by We Are Church representatives 
from 10 countries


Agreed in Rome on 
12 October 1997

Coordinating Team

Christiane Bascou

Jamie Manson 

Martin Schockenhoff

Ashik Naz Khokhar

Jean-Pierre Schmitz

Mary Morrissey

Valerie Stroud

Martha Heizer

Colm Holmes

Our History

We are committed to the renewal of the Roman Catholic Church based on the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) and the theological spirit developed from it.



We Are Church International is a network of independent and autonomous groups, each representing a different culture where Catholic Christians are endeavouring to live out the message of Jesus Christ.

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Application for Membership

We Are Church International does not have individual members.

Membership is open to local groups that base their work on all the goals stated in the preamble and regard the objectives in the Roman manifesto as well as these working guidelines and the membership fee as binding.

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